Binary Redneck

Edubuntu Membership

At today’s Edubuntu Community Council meeting, pygi (Mario Danic) and I were officially made Edubuntu members, each by a unanimous vote.

At the meeting, JaneW and others encouraged me to become more involved in the development side of the Edubuntu project. I am eager to do so, as that has been my aim from the beginning. I joined the Edubuntu Cookbook team as a way to test the waters before jumping into development. My past experiences with debian-edu had left me skeptical, and I didn’t want to again risk becoming invested in a project that was foundering under the weight of surrounding social politics.

The Edubuntu community is both lively and laid back in a way that even I find truly refreshing. I quickly became more deeply involved, particularly with Cookbook. While I do look forward to taking on a more technical role in the future, I’ve made a commitment to Cookbook that I must first see through. Cookbook is a wonderful and much needed addition to the Edubuntu documentation. The project has, unfortunately, suffered due to a high rate of volunteer churn over the past few release cycles. I’ve found myself in a leading role for the project, and I hope to live up to the trust placed in me by Mario and the others to get this done. Edgy Eft is due to release this October, and I intend to make sure that the first print-worthy edition of Cookbook is ready to release with it.